Terrestrial Resource Services
Our land-based terrestrial resources, forests, and wildlife provide significant benefits to our quality of life. EnviroProjects works cooperatively with Federal, State, and Local authorities to guide projects to the best outcome for the natural and man-made environments. The State of Maryland’s Forest Conservation Act enacted locally enforced codes protecting forests and directing afforestation of previously unforested lands in Maryland.
We have the expertise to execute your Terrestial Resource Studies and Assessments…
Land-based terrestrial resources in the Mid-Atlantic region are subject to a diverse array of regulatory programs. Examples of some important regulations are the US Section 7, Threatened and Endangered Species Act (TESA); Maryland/Delaware and Virginia Rare Threatened and Endangered Species Acts; Maryland Forest Conservation Act and local Forest Conservation/Tree Preservation ordinances and codes; Chesapeake Bay Critical Area; and various state and local programs; etc…
EnviroProjects conducts the necessary studies to address Specimen Trees; Tree Appraisals; Forest Stand Delineation/Natural Resources Inventory; Forest Conservation Plans; Critical Area Consistency Determinations. We routinely conduct Hydric Soils delineations; Upland/Wetland Delineations; biotic communities assessments; Forest Interior Dwelling Birds (FID) and neotropical migratory songbirds studies, Indiana Bat and Bog Turtle habitat assessments, wildlife inventories etc…
Forest Conservation/Forest Stand Delineation Plans
Street Tree/Specimen Tree Studies
Wildlife Habitat Assessment
Habitat Function and Value Assessments
Section 7 Threatened and Endangered Species Act (TESA) Consultation
Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Studies
Critical Area Hydric Soils Delineations
Critical Area Consistency Determinations
Questions about our Land-Based and Terrestrial Resource services?
Contact or call us directly at (410) 599.5335