(410) 599.5335 info@enviroproj.com

Historic and Cultural Services

Every project, occurs within the human environment.  EnviroProjects team of expert archaeologists, historians, historian architects, and cultural resources planners assess the context and significance of each site.

Our experts have the “know-how” for your project’s
historic and cultural requirements… 

Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act Consultation

Archeological Potential Modeling

Archeological Phase I and II Archeology Field Studies

Phase III Archeological Recovery Mitigation

Historic Structures Assessments

National Register Determinations of Eligibility

We routinely:

  • Coordinate with local State Historic Preservation Offices to define how the local, state and the Federal US Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) applies to protect historic resources.
  • Conduct Phase I Archeology and Archeological Potential Models studies.
  • Evaluate sites for National Register Listings, and coordinate with local Historic Districts.
  • Conduct National Register Eligibility Architectural Evaluations.

Questions about our Cultural and Historical services?

Contact or call us directly at (410) 599.5335

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